Friday, December 28, 2012

Growth, how do we create the conditions in an unbalanced economy...


(Growth Driven Projects for the EU)

Want to promote growth, without stopping the necessary Fiscal and Budget consolidation?

Restructuring the European economy, takes time and effort, work and sacrifices. Financial Markets work on anticipation, without effort. The difference between these two time-lines, don't favor a good job.

"Uma Europa de Nações", Europe of Nations or "L'Europe des patries" (by General de Gaulle, in 1962)? yes!!!

Everyone should really play their part...and they are not doing it... 

The European Parliament (the center of EU democracy) should be able to also act and serve as the Board of Control/Verification for all national Budgets, including the EU Budget  A fully independent EU Board of Budgeting and control, can be achieved through the European Parliament. Would they dare to make it happen? 

The European Commission should be the center of the EU policy, moving the Union forward, on behalf of the European Nations. 

A Central Bank (the ECB in this case) should support the economy and the restructuring plans, and not "others", have been so over the last 150 years in each central bank across the world, only and during the restructuring, if, the country is working accordingly with the plan. 

The ECB should then intervene in the markets, as long as a country comply's with the restructuring plan, helping it to achieve success. 
If a country is complying with an economy vs sovereign debt restructuring plan, he shouldn't be under the financial markets influence, because the uncertainty of the markets, mostly driven by the search for fast profits, works against the time that is needed to re-structure a countries economy. 

One cannot be entirely healthy if the leg is hurt. A Union (EU) cannot be complete if only some countries can benefit from it. In my view a country only makes sense if it is made for the people, in peace, as a whole. The same is valid for the European Union. 

(the Following, was posted Jan, 21st, 2012) @ my G+

Why European Union needs a new treaty? Why shouldn't we get an amendment, specifically for financial management, budgeting, control and penalties. An amendment that would be enforced and supervised by the EU Parliament, and not by any other state or group of states. Without a positive framework in the economy, what we will get in this stage, trying to negotiate a new treaty, are bad requests and impossible conditions to be met. 

Europe has the ability to finance its debt with his own resources, why should we depend upon others to define our own future? 

Fiscal and Budget consolidation is needed fast, because it brings sustainability, and if it is sustainable (the economy), then, with solid basis, it can develop it self. Alongside with it Europe should promote growth, but now is concentrating too much on austerity (cost reduction), which is destroying the EU project. I was hopping that they had learned something by now...!!! EU should be concentrated on strengthening Europe's major growth keys, Engineering, Communications, networks (Ports, Airports, Railways, Data..), management skills, Product development (Innovation), Knowledge network : schools<=>companies =>project=>reality, in order to achieve competitiveness advantages and efficiency gains, allowing a fully restored European Social Development. 

(The Following was posted Jan, 31st, 2012) @ my G+

Good economy can work for the people, by the people and it is made of people.
Bad economy, doesn't like People
Does the EU needs more "insightful" information ... they need to change course.
- Restructuring without condemning "the good growth". We must preserve what has been done right;
- Re-invent the Country, but do not kill the industry;
- If the industry innovates, we must help them to continue to thrive and create even more;
- If companies are exporting, then, we should support them to export, produce and create more jobs.
Any manager knows something like this.

Why EU leaders tend to forget that a Union is a sum of Nations, that had been them selves created by the sum of regions ... created by the sum of cities, created by the sum of industries and communities ... "of the people, by the people, for the people". 

In an economy that is opened to the world and currently unbalanced, more specifically concerning budget, savings, trade and debt, all resources that are fueled into the economy, will flow away, unless,... conditions are to be met in order to sustain and multiply locally the benefits and the effects of a specific project. In order to achieve this, the industry and the universities must be included in all projects, preferably crossing high Value Added oriented industries with local business/industries, spreading the effects throughout the economy,  in sectors like energy, engineering, research centers, science, education - knowledge and innovation, third-age-care and support, new age schools and support for the youngest, improving communications throughout Europe, etc ... 

For more info concerning Induced and Reversed Sustainability, please take a look at the following file,

Research Paper: About the reversed sustainability effect:


Project oriented Eurobonds, would and should be supported by the projects infrastructures, knowledge and good management, backed by the ECB certification program, and promoted by the EU.

Unemployment is another problem that Europe is facing alongside with the recent nationalism's that have been fueled by the austerity programs in many countries. 

Because of this and to support all growth-driven projects across the European Union (EU), we need to support and issue MPRES - Multi-lateral Project Related Euro-bonds, to end the shortage of financing in the economy for key growth driven projects across the EU.

Multi-lateral (several nations) and Bi-lateral (two nations) Project Related Eurobonds (M & BPRES) managed by the ECB, indexed directly and secured by the project it self, would be extremely helpful for the economy. They would finance the conversion of the following EU industries and networks: Energy, Transports, Communication, Environment, Research and Development, "New era" Schools for the youngest, among other key and vital industries..., creating jobs and allowing the entire EU to export goods, services and the knowledge acquired and developed in these economic oriented projects and industries, addressing one of Europe's main problems => Growth 

This would mean something to all Europeans, managing Europe as a Union of Nations, with a common project, freely related with each other, with mutual interests. The way we live our lives and respect each other, that's what makes us unique (European Union).

1 comment:

  1. Providing a different perspective of the problem. What's yours?
