Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Written Word. Knowing it ...

Impressive ... Knowing it, is one thing, but seeing it in the "Written word", is much more powerful!

1st Trade; 2nd Country; 3rd Money
4th Budget; 5th Markets; 6th Debt
7th Savings; 8th Deficit

The Graph Link

Now, have you ever wonder How and Where does the world sets his priorities set!?

The ones who rule our current destinies (governments) in the old days, they picked their insights mostly from books. So, we will understand them better if we concentrate and focus on what were their "written priorities", where they acquired their knowledge and Philosophy. Knowing about their mindset, will enable us to retrieve enough information in order to read their priorities. We will perceive their work much faster, and we will be able to prevent or to avoid many of the wrong doings that are currently under way. We also need to keep a closer look, towards the understanding of the false information and incorrect content that currently is surfing the internet, because, it will be in the Internet, where the future Government's will read their information and where they will define their priorities.

This is why: good and verifiable sets of information, good management and a sustainable approach towards governance will promote a good government.

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