Saturday, March 2, 2013


Help On "Poor" Europe

Because the ECB, the IMF, the European commission and the European council refused to cooperate with the countries that are complying with the restructuring plans, helping them to achieve success, concerning:

1) Providing economic support. A country can not reform their state institutions and their policy, deleverage their financial institutions, change their growth matrix and at the same time, support the "new" economy and support the ones that will be damaged by the restructuring process.

2) Low interest rates for the European economy. The lower interest rates were only used and applied to help banks. The cheap money didn't arrived to the companies and organizations.

3) Create Economic support programs, to be available directly to the European companies. The institutions mentioned above, they worked to support the European banks, but failed completely on the support side of the economy.

Finance should support the economy and not the other way around.

Now, because they refused to act sooner, they created the perfect conditions to help the demagogue leaders and their policies.

Now, the Reversed Sustainability effect , is just waiting for the right moment to be "stimulated", and is more dangerous than ever.

In the middle of a restructuring plan that will balance the macro-economic variables, that will lead to a recession period, the following conditions have to be met:

a) Economic Support at a Macro-level: The direct economic support to companies / families and organizations has to be made in a Macro scale, by the European Union, led by the European parliament and the European commission, using Mutualism Mechanisms, development banks and mutual credit banks. They, the parliament and the commission are the real European institutions. They alone, are the ones who can defend Europe.
These actions need be funded by new European taxes applied to every "flash trades" and "short selling" operations as well as to all "money transfer" operations made to fiscal paradises, with effect on to and from every European financial markets. These operations aren't related with investment opportunities. They are in reality related with speculative operations, conducted mainly by computers, doing automatic "Stop-loss" and "Stop-gain" operations.

and balance with;

b) Reform at Micro-level, country by country: The restructuring of the state policies, the balancing of the budget, the reform of the institutions, the unbalance of the economic variables (deficit, trade, budget, and debt) and the change in the productive platform, they have to be reformed in a Micro level, country by country.

c) The government has to duly explain what they are doing. Use real life and current examples that are understood by the general population. Example, to explain the debt issue and the accumulated deficits throughout decades, use a family budget.

A Family or organization or country, can accumulate wealth and growth (apparently) using, an amount of debt that is unsupported in the long run. This can go on and on, only until the creditor/s allow and accept the possibility of a good debt return and a lower risk.

Because: The result of creating a bad economy, supported on a high consumption rate,of, mainly imported goods, unsustainable and repeated budget deficits, high trade deficits and a low savings rate, happening systematically year after year, is:

An Economy that is accumulating wealth that belongs to someone else (their creditors).

d) Continuing the monitoring and the adjustments that have to be made to every restructuring plan.

A restructuring budget/debt/trade plan, in any country, needs time and support from all institutions and parts involved in the plan.

This way it is possible to reduce the damages that will be made, minimizing the effects of the painful but necessary change, equalizing the production/productivity of an economy, with the benefits that are given to their citizens.

... together, as a Union of Nations!

Again and again, throughout Europe the same thing occurs every time ...
So, how about learning !?
Against the financial speculation ... States, Companies and Families have only one way...
Know what your are doing, do it in a sustainable way,
don't create debt beyond your ability to repay it,
or you will be putting yourself into the lion's mouth!

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